2013年6月4日 星期二

芝城故事 Chicago Stories 久別重逢於芝城華人基督教聯合會 Return to CCUC

29年前,KL 就讀於Von Steuben Metropolitan Science Center, 一間科技主導的一級高中。一位師姐引領他來到CCUC, 參加團契,藉著教會的支援,慢慢克服了各種適應新環境的困難,生存下來了,還曲曲折折的,又快速的完成大學,唸完醫學研究院,取得博士,成為執業麻醉科醫生。已二十多年沒有回教會,昨天竟然是由他太太的姨姨帶著他回來,聖靈的奧祕,誰能知曉?
2 June 2013
Day 12 in Chicago

KL drove me to CCUC in Chinatown for Sunday Service. He was led to this church by a Hong Kong girl schoolmate in Von Steuben Metropolitan Science Center, his first school in Chicago. The church services and fellowship group cared and nurtured him, seeing him through the hardest first days in this alien land. Right at the entrance of the church, he recognized friends from the neighborhood. After a very warm welcome from the reception team we sat down near the front. I felt an urge to pray for KL, and then I said my prayers. Tears rolled down my cheeks while praying. The worship and preaching were similar and as good as those of my mother church, CCC Yuen Long Church. The sermon, based on the scripture, Luke 10: 25-37 was well structured and touching. Pastor Chan's explanation of the parable of the Good Samaritan was supported by slides showing the map of Jerusalem and Jericho, and an excerpt from Jewish script Sirah 12:1-7. The latter made clear why the priest and Levite 'passed by on the other side'. According to Jewish teaching, careful calculation is advised before offering help to others. The sermon closed with the pastor's reporting 'Jesus Day' held on Saturday when church members cleaned the streets and offered medical check up services for Chinatown. He called us to reflect and act, like the Good Samaritan, for the community. After the service, the elders and workers came to greet us. Two of them were KL's seniors in university and leaders of the fellowship group he joined. Relationship was beginning to restore. 
