2013年6月11日 星期二

芝城故事 Chicago Stories 小姨㽒孫的學校 Education for the young

Children's Education
8 June 2013 


Kids' Work, the child care center which Ian is going to is relatively new, established about 5 years only. Yet it has won so much parents' applause that application for a place starts from the womb. Ian was lucky to secure a place for 3 days and now 4. The teacher-student ratio is 1:4 and group size of Ian's class is 12. Monthly rate for 4-day program for toddlers is US $2,000. A tour of the campus and meeting with the staff will tell you that it is worth the money. Witnessing Ian's full development in all dimensions assures his parents and grandma that there is added value in the tuition at Kids' Work.

Catering for learner diversity at a public elementary school
Completing homework assignments from 4.30 is Aidan's routine. Occasionally his grandma's assistance is sought to solve some mathematical problems. Reading comprehension is sometimes beyond grandma's capability. Most of the reading passages are content based, and questions test understanding of differences and similarities, and the most challenging one demands the grade one child to make a summary. Aidan is placed in an advanced group among his class, and is thus given more difficult assignments. If not for grandma's coaching, the works are above the child's ability. Is such home coaching doing good or harm? Is the 'differentiated instruction' really catering for the child's needs? 

Extra-curricular Activities
It was Saturday morning. As usual the classrooms at Old Town School of Folk Music were full. Ian and mother went to the play group while Aidan went to an integrated class with one-to-one piano coaching, music theory and singing and acting. This private music school has a long history in Chicago and it used to offer classes for teenagers and adults. With the growing birth rate in recent years, the institute has assumed a new direction, focusing on preschool and young children's creative arts classes. Expansion into building blocks next door and springing of restaurants and shops rejuvenate Old Town and its neighborhood.  
