An international school at city centre - a square block, enclosed within walls are classrooms, library, special rooms, halls on fours sides, and sky-lighted centre like a courtyard -
a modern version of the Chinese 四合院.
The sports ground is on the roof with artificial grassy flooring and running tracks.
Kellet is a British international school teaching the national curriculum.
Its prep school with 320 places are filled up but there are still some places in the secondary section.
"We unpacked the resources and furniture and set up the classrooms together. "
"I have learned so much from our principal. She is an expert in students' teaching and learning. She gives us a lot of advice on how to handle kids' problems."
"The principal of the secondary school will even help with serving and steer the lunch trolley!"
"xxx did not love Chinese before coming to this school. He loves learning Chinese now." Jasmine was so pleased when we met her student and parents at the swimming pool which was still under construction.