2013年11月17日 星期日

Guansi Junior High School 新竹縣立關西國民中學

The school features reading and baseball. 

"We value reading," "Look at this map of Taiwan. There are different stops. Students move from one stop to another following the Reading Trail. If they complete the number of books required, they move forward." It is a virtual reading trekking activity.

Maybe one day they will make it real. Read, and visit the place they read about. Mark their footprints and then move on and explore another place which is mentioned in their favourite book. 

"This is the sports ground where our baseball team is trained. Our baseball team is often champion of the island." 

"It isn't easy to keep the baseball team. There's a lot of fund raising to do in order to support their training and sponsor their competitions." 

The school campus is beautiful. It is a pity that the number of students is decreasing with the demographic change. 
