2016年3月10日 星期四

香港英语网上学习品牌ilearner 在湘西凤凰木里帮助山区留守儿童学习Hong Kong Brand online English Reading programme i-learner helping stay-behind children in Xiang Xi.

For more than 13 years, the dream of bringing teachers, especially English teachers to remote village schools, through internet and online resources has been with me. It has now come true. 

A team of leaders from Feng Huang Education Department, English Curriculum Officers, Jin Xin Wan Xiao and Mu Li Wan Xiao, English teachers and Computer teachers, led by Principal Leung Wai Ming, chairman of the Hong Kong based charity , Reading Dreams Foundation Limited, kicked off the Reading-based English Enhancement Programme in Mu Li Wan Xiao, Feng Huang, Western Hunan, Xiang Xi Tu Jia Zhu and Miao Zhu Zhi Zhi Qu. 

From 26 to 27 Nov 2015, a new arena was opened to these leaders. 

“We have seen with our own eyes that our children can learn very fast, with new methodology and technology. Computers do help. We need to put more effort on collaboration between Computer teachers and English teachers. Students don’t even know where the letters are. They can tell which is capital letter and which is small letter. I shall visit the lessons more, and help solve the problems,” said Principal Long, head of Mu Li Primary School. 

“The Education Department will take charge of the facilities and equipment. We shall provide technical support for Mu Li School. Next summer, 2016, all schools in Feng Huang will be installed with multi-media internet facilities, in every classroom. An action group will be formed to implement the pilot programme. Principal Long will be in charge. English Curriculum Officer Ms Liu will supervise Ms Li, English teacher of Mu Li. Computer teachers and Academic Head will collaborate. Ms Leng of Reading Dreams, project manager of Feng Huang schools (12 of them) will coordinate.” 

“Students will start from Level 0 of i-learner. Picture books will be used extensively. Teachers have to ensure students can read aloud texts.” 

“In March, the first inspection will be conducted, and then on June 1, 2016, students will do performance in English on Children’s Day in Feng Huang City. By the end of June, the Grade 6 English public examination scores of Mu Li and other experimental schools will be compared with the control schools” 

Order was issued by Assistant Secretary of Education of Feng Huang, Mr. Yao, on the spot without  hesitation, at the review and planning meeting after the demonstration lessons. 

This is China. This is leadership of the CCP. 

My ppt presentation for the leaders. I shared my Phase 1 Consultancy Experience in Yu Tim Primary School - how English enhancement was done and transformed the school. 

Excerpt from the meeting minutes
  1. 教育局负责购买所需器材。
  2. 学校帮助提升学生自信、大胆的能力,学生需要熟悉英语单词,做到大声朗读;凤凰县木里完小的校长保证项目经费及投用方向,目标为明年6月份英语考试成绩有所提升,木里完小学生在Ilearner学习网站从0级开始学习,电脑操作需要抓紧指导。
  3. 项目作为课题进行研究,课题名为阅读教育条件下的教学质量提高,凤凰县中文阅读项目需要全体语文老师和班主任参与,完成基本工作,引入课堂教学,通过梦飞翔考核;凤凰县木里完小的英语阅读与教学项目计划由学校校长牵头,主任、英语老师、电脑技术员共同参与,教育局教科所由英语教研员刘慧英老师总负责,吴凤梅老师协助。
  4. 梦飞翔评估考核成绩占教研室考核成绩中的9分,据考核成绩程度给予相应分数,如考核不过关则没分,明年六一儿童节活动为阅读梦飞翔开展活动成果展示,形式可为英语朗读、图书推荐、话剧表演等等。
  5. 以后凤凰县的英语考试导向以听力、看图写文为主,跟进项目实施进程更新。
