2014年2月21日 星期五

Xin Lang Xiao Xue 东莞长平新朗小学

20 February 2014 

A private school founded in 2007, led by a veteran, Principal Ip, who was previously leader of the number one school in Chang Peng,  Cong Sing Xie Xue. 

Principal Ip is an artist - excelling in Chinese calligraphy. 

"Look! These are my teachers' weekly assignments. 

I make calligraphy writing a weekly exercise for all my students and teachers.

Every teacher has a small blackboard for practicing calligraphy. It is a must." 

"If they have no pressure, they will have no motivation." 

We raised funds for the Sichuan earthquake rescue mission by auctioning our calligraphy works. 

The teachers' and students' works are displayed in the school's cultural gallery. 

The students won a lot of awards in country-wide calligraphy competitions. 

Students' works are displayed on walls in every classroom. 

All classrooms are equipped with projectors, screens, computers and visualisers. 

"The core competence of the school is teaching and learning.  

All senior teachers, including the Vice Principal, have to teach lessons. They must be the best teachers, because they have to model excellent teaching.

Every week, all subject groups have lesson planning meetings. 

I believe in whole-person education. Creative arts and English are all curriculum features. 

Our orchestra perform in the community festivals. Both students and teachers need platforms to shine. 

Our school has sports day, performance day and Morning exercises conducted in English once a week." 

"This is one of my works". 

