It's been nearly a year since I last wrote.
There's a yearning to see the new school campus, the kids, Principal Zhang and the VP again.
The first visit to the old school campus was in June 2016, after the International Children's Day. The sight at the dorm was heart breaking. But the students' performances and the VP's sharing was encouraging and opened my eyes and heart.
Then came the good news in November of the same year. A new site was allocated by the Feng Huang Government, and a new campus was being built with a generous loan of 20 million RMB from a bank.
A cousin of Principal Zhang drove me and Patrick to visit the new campus.
It was dusk. The sun was going down fast. We went along a very bumpy road and arrived at the top of a small hill. The land was all hard rock, carved into gullies by long years of rain and wind. Principal Zhang in a checked shirt greeted us in high spirits. He was so happy to see us, the first visitors to his dream school. He led us to the highest point and told us his campus design. The gullies would be best training ground for martial arts training. The middle part would be converted to a water pond with lily, symbolising peace and abundance.
"This school is built on hard rock. Wonderful!" I said.
湘西鳳凰武术學校,去年十一月我入去山区協助一对傷殘姊妹网上学英语,村民開車送我去這功夫学校的正在建築的新校舍。我們到达時5.30, 太陽已落山,只有少少余光。校長- 照片中那位,非常開心和我們握手,介紹給我們他的校園設計。這學校本來在鳳凰古城邊租了一個廠房經營了7年,特色是武术,學生大部分都是過度活躍症,学习困難,沒有學校想要的,父母都沒有辦法的孩子。來了學武術約半年,開始能夠专注。記得2015 年11 月到鳳凰培訓英文老師,與教育局局長提及這學校,並欣賞其辦学精神,過了半年,教局就給了一個新的地皮給學校,協助他們貸款2000 萬建新校舍。