2014年9月19日 星期五

Yu Tim - Jigsaw reading - 常平小学教研计划

16 September 2014 

It was already 7.40 p.m. My session was the last one, after the reports and instructions from the Principal and other senior staff. The task was to comprehend the directions and instructions outlined in the document issued by the Ministry of Education. I designed a jig saw reading worksheet so that teachers can experience collaborative learning and enhance ownership of academic planning. 

The impact was positive. The grouping diluted the cohesion of the social groups and put people who had hardly talked to each other all these years in a learning context. I saw some 'old teachers' gradually become engaged in this unusual learning model. I could hear their laughter and smiling faces. It was already 8.55 when the last oral report was done. 

2014年9月6日 星期六

Yu Tim - Term Opening

4 September 2014
Term Opening

Principal's Speech 



School Supervisor's Speech 

Ms Dorothy Pang 

Principal Li, teachers, colleagues, and students, 

Now we are a family. We are going to work together, hand in hand. 

First, we are going to build and make our school more comfortable and more beautiful. 
I think you have all noticed that the classrooms are newly painted, cleaner and more beautiful. Some even have different colours. Do you know who painted the walls? They were all done by teachers, our class teachers. They have put in a lot of effort designing, cleaning, and painting the walls, by their own hands. Some even invited friends and parents to do the painting. Let's give a big hand to our class teachers and others who have helped create bright, warm home rooms for you. They do this not for money, but purely out of love, love for you, dear students. I hope that you can learn to be as loving and caring as your teachers, and help make our school comfortable and beautiful with your ACTIONS. 

Second, we are going to help you develop your potentials- potentials in music, languages, sports, arts and dance. In this new term, we shall have enrichment classes. All these classes are to be held on Wednesday. I look forward to that each student will develop one interest or special area. At Christmas this year, we shall have an Open Day. On this day, visitors and parents will see your works in reading, math, sciences and arts. We shall have performances: dance, music, sports too. And we shall sing Christmas songs together. We shall have a lot of joy in learning, and a lot of joy in sharing with others our good work. 

Third, we shall learn to help our community better. On 25 August, a group of Yu Tim teachers walked around the surroundings of our school campus. We found a lot of road safety problems. There are no signage reminding drivers to slow down near our school. There are no sidewalks for pedestrians. There are no cycling trail for bicycles. There are neither white lines on road surface to separate traffic. Teachers made several suggestions. We shall use the information collected and propose to the landlord how to improve the safety of this place. Students, I shall be very happy if you can start paying more attention to the community, find out the needs, and suggest improvements. We pay attention to the community, purely for love of the place. We love peace and we want peace to sustain here. 

 Today I am very happy to speak to you. This is the first occasion for me to speak to students in the position of a school supervisor. I am very thankful to Mr. Stephen Chan, owner of T &S China, and Chief Executive of Chan Yu Tim Charity Fund, for the trust he put in me in managing the school for Chan Yu Tim Charity Fund. I am very thankful to Principal Li for her support to my new duties. We have become spiritual and professional partners. Last but not the least, I have to express my deepest gratitude to our teachers, the English team who have been working closely with me since February and many others who have helped me and supported me. Indeed I feel very honored to be here, and be a member of Yu Tim. I shall try my best to work together with Principal Li and colleagues in providing excellent education service for children in this school and the community. 

May blessings be always with us. Thank you. 

李校長, 老師們, 同學們:
加入了豫添大家庭, 我和大家携手並進。
首先,我 們一同建設校園, 讓校園更舒服,更美麗。 同學們已經留意到課室新涮的牆明亮整潔, 有些還有藍色、黃色、粉紅色。你們 知道是誰為你們涮牆嗎? 全是你們的班主任,親自動手設計, 油漆。有些班主任還 邀請了家人、舊同學和朋友來協助呢。 班主任這樣付出,不是為了賺錢, 他們一毛 錢也沒有拿, 乃是出於愛, 單純的愛。 每個課室就是一個家。 為了你們有一個舒 適的家, 班主任和老師默默地付出了汗水和时间。我期望你們學習班主任和老師這種愛心, 奉獻的精神。用行動一起把校園建設成為舒適又美麗的家。
第二, 我們會幫助同學發展潛能。在音樂、語文、 運動、藝術、舞蹈的潛能。在新學年, 我們每周三,有些級別開始舉辦第二課堂活動。期望每一位同學能夠 找到自己的興趣和專長。
本年聖誕節, 學校将舉辦開放日。 家長和來訪嘉賓會考查同學們的生命閱讀、數學、科學和美術功課; 欣賞你們的舞蹈, 音樂, 體育的表演。我們还會一齊唱聖誕歌。未來一年, 我們會經歷學習的喜樂, 也將會經歷與人分享自己學習成果的喜樂。
第三, 我們會一起幫助改善我們的社區。在八月二十五日,一組豫添的老師在校 園外考察道路安全。發現了潛在安全隱患。首先學校周邊 500 米完全沒有「學校 範圍減速行駛」交通標誌。馬路兩旁欠缺行人路, 也沒有自行車道, 車路中間也 沒有雙白線分隔車輛, 對行人、 自行車使用者和駕駛者都是安全隱患。老師們都 提出了建議。我們會把建議交給政府有關部門及利氏工業園區業主, 協助改善設施, 確保同學們和老師的安全。我們關心社區, 因為我們愛這個地方, 我們为社區平安而努力。

今天我非常開心能夠和你們分享。這是我第一次以校監的身份和同學講話。 我 非常感謝陳元登總裁給我機會代表陳豫添慈善基金管理豫添小學。我非常感謝李明花校長支持我的新工作。我們成為屬靈和專業的伙伴。
我更要多謝我們的老師, 尤其是英語老師。由二月開始一直幫助我, 支持我。我 覺得在豫添小學工作很光榮。我會竭盡所能和李校長和老師們一起為同學們提供 卓越的教育服務。


Chang Ping - 13.5 plan - education reforms

28 August 2014

More than 200 school principals, administrators and representatives from school organising bodies attend the pre-term seminar organised by the Ministry of Education of Chang Ping.  It was said to be a historic seminar, of such combination and scale. 

Three speakers: Ms Li, a research officer, Mr. Li, head of the Ministry of Education, and Mr. Liu, head of the Communist Party of Chan Ping.  Ms Li reported the work of the past six months, focussing on kindergartens and case studies of private schools. Mr. Li delivered the plans for 2015-2020 - building brand schools and making Chang Ping leader of the Dongguang East. One interesting point is the plan for government to purchase places from outstanding private schools. This will strengthen government education. 

What interests me most is the speech by Mr. Liu, a communist party officer. He is middle aged. He is rather critical, pointing out the inadequacies in Chang Ping education. He urged the ministry of education to be real leaders and take actions in pushing reforms. Here are the main ideas of his speech: 
1. fully implement socialism core value education 
2. fully grasp core competencies: teachers, teaching and nurturing children's skills, and whole person development.
3. build brand schools
4. good strategic planning 
5. develop talents- especially the young teachers who are energetic, capable and dedicated to education and empower them 
Those who are not qualified must be sacked if they cannot meet the basic requirements and failed to pass teachers' certificate tests.
"Our team cannot be adversely affected because of the school's mismanagement. The quality of education of our children is being sacrificed so as to protect these substandard teachers." 
6. Improve the management system.
7. Provide good services and be humanistic and caring - government officers are servants of the people. Create a warm and caring community in school. Teachers are not instruments. Teachers need to feel happy. We need to know teachers' needs. Local teachers should take initiative in helping with the newcomers from other provinces. 
8. Strengthen implementation capacity. Some school principals, vice principals and senior teachers refused to do classroom teaching. They have lost enthusiasm. Leaders should demonstrate and take the lead in teaching. 
9. The external environment has changed. Things are normalising. We all have to learn to transform, back from abnormal to normal. No moon cakes and no other gifts. We must tell staff and others this. 

A very authoritative speech, but good. 

Yu Tim - Guest speakers from Tin Ka Ping Foundation Fund school on cooperative learning

27 August 2014 

Mr Li and Ms Au of Tsing Yuen Tin Ka Ping Middle School came to Yu Tim to share their four-year cooperative learning project. They are now trainers of CL for Tin Ka Ping schools. They just finished a one-week training in Chong Qing. It took them, a team of eight, one whole month to do the preparation. They are all volunteers and have no monetary benefits from the service. But they have a great sense of satisfaction from the process and found joy in their creative work. 

DIY - Teachers of Yu Tim painted the walls of their homerooms by themselves. Some have bold colours and this is one of them.