2014年4月26日 星期六

Yu Tim Primary School : Love and Give -

25 April 2014

來自英國的飛機司訓練教師Chris ,和Kan, Tommy 一齊來到豫添小學。Chris 用海報講解在駕駛倉內開飛機的工作。Tommy 送了他小學時讀過的英文書,鼓勵同學多讀好書,學好英文。同學問了很有意思的問題:飛機司要帶槍嗎?

I want to be a pilot! 

Me too! 

We want to be pilots!

We all want to be pilots! 

Tommy, my classmate's son, came to Yu Tim to give his English books to us. Coming with him were his mum, Kan, and Chris, a veteran pilot and current pilot trainer. Chris brought along posters of the plane and explained to students the job of a pilot inside the cockpit. They spoke English and I did the translation into Putonhua - first time in my life.