2014年3月31日 星期一

八鄉水流田(八)Pat Heung Shui Lau Tin (8)

31 March  2014          水满田

30 March 2014 




2014年3月29日 星期六

Tin Shui Wai - spring birds at TSW Central Park

28 March 2014 
Spring Birds in Tin Shui Wai Central Park 

2 Dec 2013 
Sheung Shui vegetables 天水圍新北江商場新界菜

Will Kingswood Richly Plaza become an organic fruit and vegetables shopping centre? 

At the same little square where we can buy the organic highland apples, green produces have emerged recently - New Territories vegetables grown by the sister of the herbal shop owner. Every morning lady shoppers wait for the arrival of their favourite green vege. A few boxes are just not enough to feed these ladies who have hungered for pesticide free choi sum, gau gei, cabbage .... and beans. 
These are from a local farm, owned by the herb master who prescribes and looks after their whole person health. 
This is confidence. 
This is brand. 


Out of love and care for his clients, this herbal medicine master shares his fame's produce with his clients and Tin Shui Wai fans. 


2014年3月21日 星期五


今天和豫添小学三位英语老师到旭升小学听示範课。Shu Sheng Xiao Xue is a four-star private primary school. The size of the campus should be about the same as that of Yu Tim. There are two blocks of building with a beautiful garden.  Therefore they have much greater built floor area and so can accommodate a greater number of students. The sports ground is much smaller than that of Yu Tim.

The event was hosted by the English Section of the Chang Ping Ministry of Education. The demo lesson was conducted in a lecture room specially designed so that 50 students could be seated at the front, and up to 80 observers could be seated on raised platform. The room was well equipped with projector, computer, screen, visulaiser, CD player, blackboard and audio-visual recording system.

The educator officer in charge, Mr. Xie, a nicely dressed gentleman kicked off the program by welcoming the leaders and the teachers.

Two demo lessons were conducted, on on speaking and the other on vocabulary, for primary five and six respectively. Both lessons were to demonstrate how to use the PEP textbook materials and supplementary teaching steps and tasks were designed and presented on powerpoint.

A close study of the classroom interaction revealed that most of the students' responses were 'yes', 'no', repetition of words, phrases and sentences after the teacher or the audio clip. Visual prompts were restricted to still pictures and limited texts.

The approach was very much the same as what I saw more than 10 years ago. The multi media resources did make the job of focusing students' attention easier though, and the teacher could follow the steps to familiarise students withe the core vocabulary through presentation of vocabulary - situational dialogue - guided practice.

I definitely see the possibility of enhancing both teaching and learning effectiveness with well designed online authentic ESL materials now available in the market.

The concept of self directed learning is still zero in the educators' mind.

The event indeed provided an opportunity for teachers to gather together. However, no connection was established among the participants. Participants were not required to leave their names or contact email. There was no such session as tea time for socialising.

Before we left, I introduced myself as consultant for Yu Tim, and they were very surprised to hear that a person from Hong Kong was helping with Yu Tim try out the most advanced technology for English learning. They were very enthusiastic and would contact us for a visit to our school in the near future.

2014年3月17日 星期一

Sha Tau Kok - WW II trench 沙头角日军侵略遗址

1 March 2014

We had a brief history lesson at Sha Tau Kok today. A group tour led by church visited the trench remains built by the Japanese during WWII on the mountains where the six Sha Tau Kok villages were located. Walking up hill along a footpath, we saw a long winding trench in the bushed woodland. There were tunnels, sheltered storage pits and a pool for machine gun to cool down.

 This was where the coach stopped. 

2014年3月15日 星期六

双鱼河畔的老家 - sweet old home at Beas River

16 March 2014 


1 February 2014 

Hi! Aidan  & everybody, 

How are you doing? I heard that it is -40 F in Chicago and school is closed, isn't it? 

We have very nice weather these days - fine and dry - excellent for outings and family visits - major festivities for Chinese New Year. 

As usual we have a lot of eating - reunion dinner and then 'Open Year Rice'. 

On top of the traditional chicken, duck, fish and oyster, we have our favourite 牙菇 -the much sought after Hakka dish. Most pleasing to your grand aunts are the green vegetables; they were all grown in the yards - 100% organic!!!! 

Can you imagine great grandma is 88 and she is still farming !!! 

Look at all these lush green Chinese celery - in foam boxes flower pots, at the front yard, back yard, every corner - all grown by great grandma 太婆 herself! 

This bamboo fence was made to keep the kittens away. 
