新移民學英文反敗為勝 New Immigrants' Learning English
2013年4月18日下午6:50公開累積瀏覽 158
18 April 2013
Just received a call from K and T. T said she spoke 6 sentences. She felt satisfied. K said she got 13 marks out of 20. Her teacher told her that she got good contents. If not for her pronunciation, she would have scored higher. She was the best in her group.
昨晚真的是地獄式訓練,在一小時內把兩個幾乎聾啞的(英文) 造就到有信心、有毅力回家奮戰, 然後在SBA 分組討論的戰場上勝過自己, 勝過別人,真的不容易。難得兩個嬌滴滴小女孩挨得住. Hallelujia!
18 April 2013 SBA Discussion training
12.00 noon
It was a hard battle.
Yesterday evening we were practicing group discussion the second time. K's topic was to prepare the displays on the theme 'National Education' based on the documentary 'National and moral education' from Pearl Report. T's was to promote animal protection based on the movie 'The Cove'. Both had already done the viewing, guided summary and comment writing. When we started the mock discussion test, the girls gripped tightly their written scripts and just read the lines. Then I asked them to make notes on a half A4 page, not more than 20 words. It was really a hard battle. Their minds went blank and did not know how to go about it. Then I demonstrated using the wh-words a word map summarizing the contents of 'The Cove'. The second attempt at presenting the contents and personal views was much better. T's score went up from 0 to 2.
K was really determined to improve. When I demonstrated the introduction, presenting the viewpoints of the protestors against 'national education', she wanted to write down every word I said. She kept telling me she could not follow. She felt secure only when she could write and then read her writing. I told her that was not an effective way to learn English. In the real exam, she could not refer to her notes. She must use her ears, listen to the sounds, work out the words instantly, and repeat, and then imitate, gradually internalize the phrases and sentences and use them fluently. It was nearly impossible, but she did it.
The sense of incompetence was gone when both K and T found that they did better in the third attempt. The highly disciplined training was like Drinking Chinese Herbal Tea 飲苦茶. We shared the same goal, in two years, to achieve at least level 3- a minimum requirement for university admission.
8 April 2013
A what's app message from K:
Mrs Lee. I want to tell you good news. I think my reading skill is improving. At reading test, I get 44 marks. Total is 73. Part A 29/48, part B 16/25.
三個月, 閱讀卷由只得三分一去到超過一半, 信心就來了. 那是二十節補習的初步成果。